Tetley Masala Teabags 72 Count 5.08oz (144g)
The product information provided by the seller on the Website is not exhaustive, please read the label on the physical product carefully for complete information provided by the manufacturer. For additional information, please contact the manufacturer.
Brand: Tetley
Type: Flavored Tea
Model Name: Masala
Quantity: 72 Bags (5.08 oz)
Tea Form: Tea Bag
Flavor: Masala
Organic: No
Container Type: Box
Maximum Shelf Life: 24 Months
Brand: Tetley
Type: Flavored Tea
Model Name: Masala
Quantity: 72 Bags (5.08 oz)
Tea Form: Tea Bag
Flavor: Masala
Organic: No
Container Type: Box
Maximum Shelf Life: 24 Months